Sunday, June 24, 2012

Why I love Sunday School

So- I started a blog last week over summer vacation when I would have TIME to blog and what do you know but last week was too busy and I didn't have time to write.  Again, WHAT am I thinking by starting this blog?

I was thinking in Sunday School this morning that thoughts like I had during the class were the exact reason I wanted to write- I wanted to be able to put my thoughts on least in written form, so that ideas don't just stay in my that they go somewhere other than just with me...

We have several different people who volunteer to teach Sunday School when our regular teacher is out.  We are blessed with an AWESOME teacher and we are also very blessed to have others to fill in.  No matter who you get, it's always a great lesson with lots of truths to take away and think about throughout the week.  Today was one of the days when the regular teacher was out.  I thought to myself, "If the regular teacher was here, he would ask us what the lesson was about last week...and I don't have a clue."  That's when I looked around the room at people who are all my age and I thought, "I bet very few could remember..." But that doesn't mean that we don't get anything out of the lesson...does it?

You see, our class is made up of loving, caring, friendly, BUSY people- People who juggle two, three, five children at a time, people who work full time jobs and still maintain an orderly house.  Some have newborn and preschool children, some have college aged children, but no matter what they juggle, they do it WELL.  All of the children with parents in my SS class are well behaved and polite.  You can tell their parents spend time with them.  These are people who rarely miss church unless a child is sick or it's vacation time.  They are truly faithful people- Each week we pass a sign up sheet with prayer requests on it.  When Marc was getting ready to have surgery, the list would make its way to us and his name would already be written on it by someone else in the class.  Meals are always provided for people who need them, collections are always taken for charities.  Once a couple had to travel out of town for their child and we took up a collection for their food and gas money.  I walked up to one person in our class and told them that we were going to donate to this family and without blinking an eye, they reached into their wallet and handed me $20. Ooh- And don't get me started on things this class does INSIDE the church- They run VBS, volunteer in the nursery, play in the orchestra, conduct children's musicals, teach Wednesday night classes and some have even come out of our SS class to teach on Sunday mornings.  I've heard that the older population is the backbone and foundation of the church, and while we are blessed to have a church where EVERYONE works and helps, truly, our SS class fills many ministries of the church.

So today I sat and thought about all that we have going on as a class and yet all that we do for each other.  Then I decided, You know...if we didn't get anything out of these lessons there would be no way that we would be the class we are.  These are not just people who sit and listen to a boring lesson and then go home and take nothing from the hour.  These are people who put what they hear into action- Love is an action.  It isn't's DOING what needs to be done.  They think nice thoughts, and then they act on them.  If you're in my SS class and you're reading this, I want you to know that I'm honored to be a part of your prayers, a part of your friendships and mostly, a part of your ministry.

By the way, we have a class fellowship this Saturday and everyone is invited.  If you're reading this and would like directions, just let me know.  We would love to have you!

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