Friday, December 28, 2012

Couponing 101

I know you guys on Facebook are tired of constantly seeing my posts about here's another one!  Ha!

I guess if you know me, you know that I tend to have a bit of an obsessive personality.  I don't do things "halfway."  Couponing is one of those things...I don't see the point of saving SOME money when I could save MORE money.  Really, I don't see the point for paying much for groceries at all.  The prices for things have risen so much over the past year or so- Mostly due to fuel costs to transport the goods to the stores...But coupons can give you a great break from those high prices.

Here are a few coupons MYTHS about coupons that are absolutely not true:
* Prices for groceries are high because people use so many coupons and that raises the price for everyone else.
* You will need to spend hours clipping, snipping, organizing, sorting and smelling coupons every single Sunday afternoon.
* I don't have a baby, but I will buy diapers just because I have a coupon.
* If I coupon, I will be a hindrance to everyone in line behind me because coupons take ALOT of time at the register.

First of all, I am a wife and a mom, AND I work about eighty hours a week.  I have better things to do with my small amount of free time than sit and clip coupons.  I'd much rather be breaking up the fight between my kids than cutting small pieces of paper....While none of the myths above are true, there are people who sort of add to the "coupon reputation" by doing it WRONG.  If you're gonna coupon, please do it the right way, so that the rest of us don't look like idiots.  Here are some tips for that.

*Do NOT clip every single, stinkin' coupon out of the Sunday paper.  Keep them all together in the booklet that they come in.  Write the date on the outside of the circular and put in in a tupperware container, accordion file, etc.
* There are two main circulars of coupons- Red Plum and Smart Source, but there are also inserts by Proctor and Gamble, Pepsi, and many others.
*Websites like southernsavers and couponingtodisney will tell you which coupons to pair with your store sales.  For example, if I want to shop at Bilo, I would go to that website and click on "Bilo."  (Duh.) Then, I will see what is on sale.  Let's say that Peter Pan peanut butter is normally $3.30 but this week it is on sale buy one, get one free, making the price $1.65.  The website will tell you, for example, that there is a 55 cent Peter Pan coupon in the Red Plum circular on 11/4. Go find the coupons from November 4th,  (They are in your tupperware container, remember?) and cut the ONE coupon that you need out of it.  (Now, if you happen to have 5-6, 10 copies of that coupon, then cut them all.  Haha!)  You are now getting the $3.30 peanut butter for $1.10- BUT if you happen to shop at Bilo and can double that coupon, you will get the $3.30 jar for 55 cents. Stock up.  :-)  Bilo doubles every coupon up to 60 cents and all of the stores accept printable coupons.  (On the websites, just click the word "printable" and there are your savings!)
*Stack a manufacturer coupon (Red Plum, Smart Source, etc) with a STORE coupon (Dollar General, Walgreens, any competitor in your area) and you can REALLY rack up!  Yes- You can use Dollar General coupons at Bilo...or Walmart...Or Walgreens...Put a competing store coupon WITH a manufacturer coupon and you can REALLY do well.

Now- Here is the MOST important part.  Are you paying attention???  This is the key!

WHEN YOU FIND SOMETHING ON SALE THAT YOU HAVE A COUPON FOR, BUY ENOUGH FOR SIX-EIGHT WEEKS.  ONLY BUY WHAT IS ON SALE.  If something is not on sale, and you MUST have it, only buy enough for ONE week.  Shop every week because new stuff is coming next week and you don't want to miss that sale.  In about six weeks you will have completely stocked your cabinets with more food than you've ever had and will have spent a fraction of the cost.  If you MUST have tea, buy ONE WEEK's worth of tea.  Then in a few weeks, when it goes on sale and you have a coupon, buy alot of it.  Then you should NEVER AGAIN have to buy tea one week at a time- Because you bought enough to last until it goes on sale again.  Make sense?

Today as I was checking out, the lady at the register said, "I just love to see people come in with coupons.  It's fun to watch their bill just drop and drop and drop." And then she looked at my receipt and said, "Wow, you saved...WAY more than 50%!"  Yes, yes I did.  I got Ramen Noodles and crab meat for FREE.  I got collard greens, pinto beans and black eyed peas for 4 cents a can.  I purchased pasta and the store paid me 10 cents to take it out of the store.

I'm not the "Crazy coupon lady, " (though it may appear that I am from all of my FB posts,) but I love saving money for my family.  I don't shop like Honey Boo-Boo's mom and we don't have 17 packages of toilet paper...There are others who save more than me and there are those who teach classes about it better than me...But it works for our family.  If you have questions or would like for me to help you get started, just ask.  I've even gone grocery shopping with people before.  I love helping other people save money!!!!  Why pay full price when you don't have to?

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